
1 rouble 1725 "Mourning rouble"

"САМОДЕРЖИЦА". Narrow tail
"САМОДЕРЖИЦА". Wide tail
"САМОДЕРЖIЦА". Crown is inbetween the dots
Year Mark Description Edge Metal Petrov Ilyin Bitkin Price

1 rouble 1725-1726 "Moscow type, portrait is turned to the left"

Eagle's tail is narrow Eagle's tail is wide, lower feathers are turned sideways Eagle's tail is wide, lower feathers are turned downwards
Eagle's tail is narrow
Eagle's tail is wide, lower feathers are turned sideways
Eagle's tail is wide, lower feathers are turned downwards
Year Mark Description Edge Metal Petrov Ilyin Bitkin Price

1 rouble 1726-1727 "Moscow type portrait is turned to the right"

Two stars under the tail Two dots under the tail
Two stars under the tail
Two dots under the tail
Year Mark Description Edge Metal Petrov Ilyin Bitkin Price

1 rouble 1726-1727 "Petersburg type, portrait is turned to the left"

"СПБ" at the end of legend
"СПБ" at the beginning of legend
"СПБ" under the tail
Year Mark Description Edge Metal Petrov Ilyin Bitkin Price

1 rouble 1726-1727 "Petersburg type, portrait is turned to the right"

Short neck Magpie tail Small bow on the left shoulder
Short neck
Magpie tail
Small bow on the left shoulder
Year Mark Description Edge Metal Petrov Ilyin Bitkin Price

1 rouble 1727 "Portrait with high hairdo"

Year Mark Description Edge Metal Petrov Ilyin Bitkin Price

1 rouble 1727 "Small head"

Year Mark Description Edge Metal Petrov Ilyin Bitkin Price